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  • Version 5 (2020)

Application of exclusion clauses for people undeserving of international protection

The aim of this module is to prepare asylum case officers with the knowledge and skills required to assess the possible application of these exclusion clauses within procedures for the determination of eligibility for international protection.
This module focuses on the application of Article 1F of the 1951 Refugee Convention and Articles 12(2) and 17 of the Qualification Directive and reflects the most recent developments in the field.

  • Version 5 (2018)

End of protection

The aim of this module is to outline the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to prepare and write a decision on the end of protection.
This module focuses on the relevant legal provisions and procedural safeguards pertaining to the end of protection. It also deals with the interpretation of the conditions that lead to the end of protection as laid down in the Qualification Directive.

  • Version 1 (2021)

Identification of potential exclusion cases

The aim of this module is to enable officials working on asylum procedures to be aware of the different types of cases from different countries.

This module deals with the identification of potential exclusion cases in the context of Article 1F of the 1951 Refugee Convention and Article 12(2) and Article 17 of the Qualification Directive. It focuses specifically on cases where a person could potentially be considered undeserving of international protection.

  • Online
  • Version 1 (2022)

Introduction to communication for asylum and reception practitioners

The aim of this module is to provide asylum and reception practitioners with the necessary set of soft skills to ensure effective interpersonal communication.
This module focuses on the core principles of communication theory and questioning techniques in intercultural asylum contexts. It also deals with the principles of interpersonal communication, the impact of non-verbal communication and the most effective types of questions to elicit information. The module describes how cultural diversity can impact the communication process and introduces techniques that lower the risk of miscommunication in a multicultural environment.

  • Version 1 (2022)

Introduction to ethical and professional standards

The aim of this module is to help asylum and reception officials explore the principles of confidentiality and accountability, along with behaviours to ensure professional and respectful service in the workplace.
This module focuses on the fundamental principles of professional standards, ethical codes and values in the asylum and reception contexts.

  • Online
  • Version 1 (2022)

Introduction to the legal framework on fundamental rights and international protection in the EU

The aim of this module is to provide asylum and reception practitioners with basic knowledge on the key legal provisions relating to international protection in the European Union and the most relevant fundamental rights in the context of access to asylum procedure, namely non-refoulement and the right to asylum.
This module focuses on the two key fundamental rights relevant to access to the asylum procedure and the five pillars of the CEAS. It also presents the key definitions of applicants for and beneficiaries of international protection and the main steps of the asylum process.

  • Version 1 (2022)

Introduction to vulnerability

The aim of this module is to provide asylum and reception practitioners with the necessary knowledge and skills for the early identification of applicants for international protection who may be vulnerable and may have special needs to be addressed.
This module focuses on the concept of vulnerability in the asylum context and the main categories of potentially vulnerable applicants for international protection in line with the EU legal framework. It also addresses the most common indicators of special needs of applicants for international protection, how to identify these needs and the consequences of not identifying them.

  • online+webinar/F2F
  • Version 5 (2021)


The aim of this module is to provide asylum officials with the knowledge and skills necessary to apply the refugee and subsidiary protection criteria in standard cases to determine whether an applicant is in need of international protection.
This module focuses on the competencies required to carry out the tasks of asylum officials by analysing all the requisites of refugee status and their application in accordance with the 1951 Refugee Convention and the qualification directive, along with all the requisites laid down in the qualification directive for subsidiary protection status. The module reflects EU and international case-law and focuses on cases that do not rely on complex interpretation of the elements of both definitions.

  • online+webinar/F2F

Conflict management and mediation in reception

The aim of this module is to provide the necessary knowledge to recognise the signs of tension and the skills to de-escalate and resolve conflict situations and use preventive measures in the context of reception.
This module focuses on the conflicts which occur in a reception centre between residents themselves and between residents and reception officers.

  • Version 1 (2018)

Interpreting in the asylum context

The aim of this module is to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to perform assignments professionally, efficiently and in accordance with international standards.
This module provides a general overview of the asylum context from the perspective of interpreters and the main interpretation techniques needed in asylum processes.