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Assessment available

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  • online only

  • Version 1 (2022)

Becoming an EUAA trainer and assessor

The aim of this module is to prepare future EUAA trainers to apply a learner-centred approach, explore training techniques and manage common challenges that occur during training.

This module focuses on the applied storytelling narrative, real branching scenarios and game-based elements (i.e., point scoring, learning badges) found in several European Asylum Curriculum modules. Using case studies and practical examples of successful good practices, it also addresses realistic scenarios that EUAA trainers encounter in their role.

  • Version 1 (2017)

Inclusion - advanced

The aim of this module is to provide asylum officials with structured and detailed guidance on complex interpretative issues relating to qualification for international protection.
This module focuses on more complex aspects of qualification for international protection with regard to acts of persecution, reasons for persecution, serious harm (subsidiary protection) and protection from persecution or serious harm. It critically assesses the work of asylum case officers in the context of national practice and CEAS-related jurisprudence while applying conclusions drawn from the work of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Court of Human Rights. This module also explores a method of interpreting EU law and international protection law in the absence of guidance from the CJEU when facing complex interpretative issues relating to qualification for international protection.

  • Version 1 (2018)

Interpreting in the asylum context

The aim of this module is to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to perform assignments professionally, efficiently and in accordance with international standards.
This module provides a general overview of the asylum context from the perspective of interpreters and the main interpretation techniques needed in asylum processes.

  • Version 1 (2022)

Interpreting in the reception context

The aim of this module is to help interpreters working in the reception context to acquire the knowledge and skills to professionally perform their assignments efficiently and in accordance with international standards.
This module provides a general overview of the reception context with an explanation of the different phases in the reception process and the main interpretation needed in reception. It addresses the wide range of different situations interpreters in reception have to work in such as interpreting during the social intake, interpreting during a medical appointment, interpreting during psychological support, and interpreting for a group information session.

  • Version 4 (2018)

Interviewing children

The aim of this module is to provide asylum case officers with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to conduct a professional and effective personal interview with a child.
This module focuses on children’s developmental stages, the legal and procedural safeguards for children in the international protection process and child-specific interview techniques. Centring on the best interests of the child, this module explains how to assess the maturity of the child before and during the interview in order to adapt the interview to the maturity and situation of each child.

  • Version 4 (2018)

Interviewing vulnerable persons

The aim of this module is to prepare asylum case officers to obtain as much reliable information as possible when interviewing vulnerable persons, to professionally follow up on the interview, to safeguard an applicant with special needs and to prepare the case for the next steps in the process.
This module focuses on the legal framework and the definition of vulnerability in the context of an international protection procedure. It addresses the applicant’s norms and how the normative framework may be used to identify the most common vulnerabilities and the factors that hamper disclosure when interviewing applicants for international protection. This module includes case studies of difficult interview situations involving vulnerable applicants and how to take care of oneself after such an interview.

  • Version 1 (2022)

Introduction to coaching

This course aims to provide trainers and senior experts with a basic tool kit to familiarise themselves with coaching initiatives in an individual and group setting.
This course focuses on understanding the nature of coaching and how to distinguish it from other intervention techniques such as training or mentoring. The course also explores coaching as an approach to setting and achieving goals and expanding the knowledge and skills necessary to apply selected basic coaching techniques and tools.

  • Version 1 (2022)

Introduction to ethical and professional standards

The aim of this module is to help asylum and reception officials explore the principles of confidentiality and accountability, along with behaviours to ensure professional and respectful service in the workplace.
This module focuses on the fundamental principles of professional standards, ethical codes and values in the asylum and reception contexts.

  • online+webinar/F2F

Introduction to reception


  • Version 1 (2022)

Introduction to vulnerability

The aim of this module is to provide asylum and reception practitioners with the necessary knowledge and skills for the early identification of applicants for international protection who may be vulnerable and may have special needs to be addressed.
This module focuses on the concept of vulnerability in the asylum context and the main categories of potentially vulnerable applicants for international protection in line with the EU legal framework. It also addresses the most common indicators of special needs of applicants for international protection, how to identify these needs and the consequences of not identifying them.

  • Version 2 (2019)

Management in the asylum context

The aim of this module is to enable managers in the asylum context to develop competencies that will assist them in ensuring that their departments achieve good quality standards and levels of efficiency, in line with international and EU legal requirements.
This module covers various theoretical and practical aspects relating to the day-to-day duties of a manager working in the field of international protection.

  • Version 1 (2020)

Management in the context of reception

The aim of this module is to enable managers in the reception field to develop competencies that will assist them in ensuring that their departments achieve good quality standards and levels of efficiency, in line with international and EU legal requirement.
This module covers various theoretical and practical aspects relating to the day-to-day duties of a manager working in the field of reception.


Medical country of origin information (advanced)

The aim of this module is to help users of the MedCOI database understand the scope of the database and the role of MedCOI in the field of international protection. Learners should complete Basic MedCOI training before starting Advanced MedCOI training.

This module focuses on the medical country of origin information (MedCOI) database. It consists of two different learning paths: a basic module which focuses on how to search the MedCOI database and interpret information found in query responses, and an advanced module which focuses on how to develop case-specific questions and launch a MedCOI request.

  • Version 2 (2022)

Medical country of origin information (basic)

The aim of this module is to help users of the MedCOI database understand the scope of the database and the role of MedCOI in the field of international protection. Learners should complete Basic MedCOI training before starting Advanced MedCOI training.

This module focuses on the medical country of origin information (MedCOI) database. It consists of two different learning paths: a basic module which focuses on how to search the MedCOI database and interpret information found in query responses, and an advanced module which focuses on how to develop case-specific questions and launch a MedCOI request.

  • online only
  • Version 1 (2023)

Professional wellbeing

The aim of this module is to help learners recognise the main potential psychosocial hazards in the asylum and reception contexts and identify strategies to protect professional well-being.
This module focuses on the fundamental elements of professional well-being, such as stress drivers, signs of poor well-being, self-care strategies and the implementation of measures to to protect professional well-being through physical, psychological and social resources.

  • Version 1.1 (2015)


The aim of this module is to lay out the phases of the reception process, thereby preparing reception officers to identify special reception needs, work with vulnerable groups and address mental health in a reception context.
This module covers the basic training that reception officers need according to the Reception Conditions Directive. By shedding light on the international historical developments and the legal context in which current reception conditions developed, the module focuses on the role of the reception officer and the skills needed such as setting professional boundaries, communicating in an intercultural environment, dealing with stakeholders and managing conflicts.

  • online+webinar/F2F
  • Version 1 (2020)

Reception of vulnerable persons (block A)

The aim of this module is to explain how to construct objective reports describing observations on vulnerability, the basic principles of facility and room allocation for vulnerable persons, and information provision to vulnerable persons.
This module focuses on the concept of vulnerability in the reception context. It explores different categories of vulnerable persons, vulnerability indicators and protective factors. The module also deals with the implications of vulnerabilities for reception needs, the initial steps to support applicants with special reception needs, psychological first aid, and biases and how to overcome them.

  • online+webinar/F2F
  • Version 1 (2020)

Reception of vulnerable persons (block B)

The aim of this module is to equip reception officers with an understanding of how vulnerabilities influence reception needs.

This module focuses on the importance of incorporating the needs arising from applicants’ vulnerabilities into decisions and actions in reception. It also explains how to conduct an assessment of special reception needs with an applicant for international protection, and how to design and review personal reception plans in the context of existing and evolving vulnerabilities.

  • online+webinar/F2F
  • Version 1 (2020)

Registration of applications for international protection

The aim of this module is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to process the registration of applications for international protection.

This module covers the legal framework on international protection with a focus on access to the asylum procedure and the steps of the registration process. It also focuses on the safeguards for applicants with special needs registration and on communication techniques for conducting registration.

  • Version 1.1 (2019)


The aim of this module is to make asylum case officers, resettlement officers and other officers working in resettlement aware of what resettlement is, how it can be organised and how to manage the different phases of the resettlement process.
This module addresses the key aspects of the resettlement process, namely the identification of resettlement needs by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the submission of the resettlement file to the Member State in question. It also explores the preparation and management of the selection mission, dossier selection, pre-departure orientation, transfer and provision of the relevant post-arrival services to resettled refugees.


Trafficking in human beings - level 1

The aim of this module is to prepare officers who come in contact with victims or potential victims of human trafficking with the knowledge and skills required to detect and handle signs of human trafficking and to prepare and conduct an asylum interview with a victim or potential victim of human trafficking.
This module is composed of two levels. The first level raises awareness of victims or potential victims of trafficking and explores the knowledge and skills needed to identify potential victims of trafficking, along with how to handle an initial encounter. The second level focuses on victims of trafficking who may be in need of international protection. It explains how to prepare and conduct an asylum interview with a victim or potential victim of human trafficking and how to approach decision-making in a protection claim involving such a person.

  • online+webinar/F2F
  • Version 1.1 (2017)

Trafficking in human beings - level 1 & 2

The aim of this module is to prepare officers who come in contact with victims or potential victims of human trafficking with the knowledge and skills required to detect and handle signs of human trafficking and to prepare and conduct an asylum interview with a victim or potential victim of human trafficking.
This module is composed of two levels. The first level raises awareness of victims or potential victims of trafficking and explores the knowledge and skills needed to identify potential victims of trafficking, along with how to handle an initial encounter. The second level focuses on victims of trafficking who may be in need of international protection. It explains how to prepare and conduct an asylum interview with a victim or potential victim of human trafficking and how to approach decision-making in a protection claim involving such a person.

  • online+F2F

Victims of gender based violence

The aim of this module is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to identify and understand the potential needs of victims of gender-based violence in asylum contexts and how to respond to them. The gender-based aspect highlights the fact that violence is often rooted in power inequalities between women and men. Although the phenomenon affects both genders, it impacts a disproportionate number of women.

  • online only
  • Version 1 (2022)

Working with an interpreter

The aim of this module is to provide asylum and reception officers with the necessary knowledge and skills to communicate effectively through an interpreter. It also aims to offer tips and follow-up actions to address potential breaches of conduct by the interpreter. This module focuses on the criteria for selecting an interpreter, the skills needed to communicate through an interpreter and how to handle challenging situations when communicating through an interpreter. It also addresses the interpreter’s code of conduct and gives tips on how to address possible breaches of conduct by the interpreter.

  • online+F2F

Applicants with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC)

The aim of this module is to provide learners with the necessary knowledge of the potential challenges faced by applicants with claims for international protection based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC).
This module focuses on the potential needs of applicants with diverse SOGIESC and adoption of a sensitive approach. It outlines the main terms and definitions related to the constantly evolving terminology, explores the international and EU legal framework that protects applicants with diverse SOGIESC by focusing on the identification and analysis of the special procedural guarantees and special reception needs, and presents the knowledge and skills needed to create communication which is inclusive, safe and open by exploring the core considerations of working effectively with applicants with diverse SOGIESC in asylum contexts

  • Version 5 (2020)

Application of exclusion clauses for people undeserving of international protection

The aim of this module is to prepare asylum case officers with the knowledge and skills required to assess the possible application of these exclusion clauses within procedures for the determination of eligibility for international protection.
This module focuses on the application of Article 1F of the 1951 Refugee Convention and Articles 12(2) and 17 of the Qualification Directive and reflects the most recent developments in the field.

  • online+webinar/F2F
  • Version 1 (2021)

Asylum interview method

The aim of this module is to prepare asylum officials to conduct a personal asylum interview using the asylum interview method to gather sufficient, relevant and reliable information to assess an application.
This module focuses on the asylum interview method – the structured interview protocol put forward by EUAA that is based on research relating to structured interview protocols in other domains, such as psychology, law and social studies. This module adapts these protocols to the specific characteristics of the personal interview and the asylum procedure. The focus is on the five stages of the EUAA Asylum Interview Method (prepare; open; free narrative; explore; and closing) and how to manage the psychological, cultural and environmental factors that may influence the interview process. The module reflects the requirements set out in the Qualification Directive and focuses on cases that do not rely on complex applications of interviewing skills.

  • Version 1 (2022)

Becoming an EUAA assessor

The aim of this module is to provide future assessors with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct fair and robust assessments in the context of EUAA training.

This module focuses on the various elements of assessments and verification. It is composed of learning activities and simulations that mirror parts of the assessor's tasks and complement the learning journey.

  • online+webinar/F2F

Children in the asylum process

The aim of this module is to prepare learners to address child-specific needs related to potential child-specific vulnerabilities and to assess the child's level of understanding of the situation in the different stages of the asylum process.
This module focuses on the concept of the best interests of the child, the legal framework and specific rights of children, as well as their vulnerabilities throughout the asylum process.

  • online+webinar/F2F

Conflict management and mediation in reception

The aim of this module is to provide the necessary knowledge to recognise the signs of tension and the skills to de-escalate and resolve conflict situations and use preventive measures in the context of reception.
This module focuses on the conflicts which occur in a reception centre between residents themselves and between residents and reception officers.

  • Version 5 (2019)

Country of origin information

The aim of this module is to empower COI researchers and asylum case officers to achieve COI quality standards, which is critical to ensuring high-quality information about countries of origin.
This module outlines the role of country-of-origin information (COI) in international protection procedures. It provides an overview of how to develop COI questions from a case and how to select, assess and validate sources and information, along with practical research skills for COI topics. The module also deals with how to best present COI research, draft COI queries and peer review COI products.

  • Version 2.1 (2016)

Dublin III regulation

The aim of this module is to provide officials working in the Dublin unit with the skills and knowledge needed to apply the Dublin III regulation in line with the EU asylum acquis and in accordance with international human rights legal instruments.
This module focuses on the basic function and scope of the Dublin system and its rules and procedures. It helps learners to familiarise themselves with Eurodac (the EU’s asylum fingerprint database) and the DubliNet electronic network.

  • Version 5 (2018)

End of protection

The aim of this module is to outline the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to prepare and write a decision on the end of protection.
This module focuses on the relevant legal provisions and procedural safeguards pertaining to the end of protection. It also deals with the interpretation of the conditions that lead to the end of protection as laid down in the Qualification Directive.

  • online+webinar/F2F
  • Version 6 (2021)

Evidence assessment

The aim of this module is to outline the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to apply the EUAA’s structured method of evidence assessment when assessing an application for international protection so that the risk of subjectivity in individual cases is reduced.
This module explores how the material facts of a case are established through gathering, examining and comparing available pieces of evidence. It outlines the theoretical aspects and the relevant legislation from a practical perspective and applies the evidence assessment methodology that builds around the three different steps of information gathering, credibility assessment and risk assessment.

  • Version 1.1 (2015)

Gender, gender identity and sexual orientation

The aim of this module is to provide a practical approach on how to best conduct an interview that supports the disclosure of issues relating to gender identity and sexual orientation.

This module provides an overview of norms relating to gender, gender identity and sexual orientation, and explores how these norms influence case officers and applicants when cases are assessed for international protection. It addresses human rights violations related to gender, gender identity and sexual orientation, and the legal framework to enable practitioners to conduct an evidence assessment that properly considers the particularities of claims involving gender, gender identity and sexual orientation.

  • Version 1 (2020)

Identification of potential Dublin cases

The aim of this module is to provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to assist in identifying applicants for international protection who might fall under the Dublin procedure and to refer their cases to the Dublin Unit.
This module focuses on the understanding of the Dublin III regulation and the actors involved in the wider asylum procedure, without going into the technicalities of the Dublin system. It targets national authorities involved in the Dublin procedures from the perspectives of different practitioners, such as registration officers, case officers, reception officers and asylum officials involved in the provision of information (e.g., at disembarkation points), along with local authorities that may deal with applicants for international protection.

  • Version 1 (2021)

Identification of potential exclusion cases

The aim of this module is to enable officials working on asylum procedures to be aware of the different types of cases from different countries.

This module deals with the identification of potential exclusion cases in the context of Article 1F of the 1951 Refugee Convention and Article 12(2) and Article 17 of the Qualification Directive. It focuses specifically on cases where a person could potentially be considered undeserving of international protection.

  • online+webinar/F2F
  • Version 5 (2021)


The aim of this module is to provide asylum officials with the knowledge and skills necessary to apply the refugee and subsidiary protection criteria in standard cases to determine whether an applicant is in need of international protection.
This module focuses on the competencies required to carry out the tasks of asylum officials by analysing all the requisites of refugee status and their application in accordance with the 1951 Refugee Convention and the qualification directive, along with all the requisites laid down in the qualification directive for subsidiary protection status. The module reflects EU and international case-law and focuses on cases that do not rely on complex interpretation of the elements of both definitions.

  • Online
  • Version 1 (2022)

Introduction to communication for asylum and reception practitioners

The aim of this module is to provide asylum and reception practitioners with the necessary set of soft skills to ensure effective interpersonal communication.
This module focuses on the core principles of communication theory and questioning techniques in intercultural asylum contexts. It also deals with the principles of interpersonal communication, the impact of non-verbal communication and the most effective types of questions to elicit information. The module describes how cultural diversity can impact the communication process and introduces techniques that lower the risk of miscommunication in a multicultural environment.

  • Online
  • Version 1 (2022)

Introduction to the legal framework on fundamental rights and international protection in the EU

The aim of this module is to provide asylum and reception practitioners with basic knowledge on the key legal provisions relating to international protection in the European Union and the most relevant fundamental rights in the context of access to asylum procedure, namely non-refoulement and the right to asylum.
This module focuses on the two key fundamental rights relevant to access to the asylum procedure and the five pillars of the CEAS. It also presents the key definitions of applicants for and beneficiaries of international protection and the main steps of the asylum process.

  • Version 1 (2022)

Training course: Asylum core

This course aims to provide trainers of the EUAA core modules with best practices, additional techniques and didactic strategies.
This course focuses on the main cross-cutting challenges faced by learners in the core modules Inclusion, Asylum Interview Method and Evidence Assessment. The course reflects principles set out in the EU asylum acquis and provides trainers with practical examples and strategies to address complex issues. This course is also an opportunity for trainers of the EUAA core modules to practice and discuss common challenges and share common solutions.